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Help orphans in India

Feed, house, clothe & provide a Christian education to needy children in India SupportHelp orphans in India

Our Mission is a U.S based nonprofit set up to fund the vital work of the Institute of Goodwill Foundation (IGF) locally owned and operated by tribal Christians on tribal land in Viewland Ukhrul, Manipur, INDIA. This only happens by God's tremendous love expressed through the generousity of people like you.

"The Least of These..."

IGF's Executive Council has ownership of three local efforts:

In a place where the average daily salary is only a few dollars, your support is greatly appreciated.

A New Building

Making our own building material out of hand sawn timber is no longer possible. IGF's vision is for a new brick school building to feed, house, clothe and provide a Christian education to many hundreds more children, including orphaned and destitute children. We invite you to see our need, with the eyes of your heart wide-open.

See the Need for a New Building